Wow. That was interesting. But... full disclosure, I had to pause halfway through. I will read the second half later. I know nothing about Rurik Skywalker (except for what I've read here. But I agree with much of his thoughts on the hidden Masters of War. The Hussein business. (H really was suckered into invading Kuwait. And then there was all the lies about the Iraqis throwing premie babies on the floor of the Kuwaiti hospitals.) I, a Vietnam War draftee, got into a big argument with a co-worker about this. He was my age, but somehow had avoided going to the 'Nam meatgrinder, but he was bawling furiously that we had to throw American soldiers against the Iraqi monsters.
Anyway, I am surprised that I am the only one commenting on here.
The only criticism I have is that a piece this long could be broken into two or even three chapters released over two or three days. Readers may have found the length daunting.
Thanks for reading - to make things more para-social - may i recommend listening to the interview on a walk or multiple sits... voices carry meaning different than the reading... regarding the "meat grinder" - interesting analogy you bring up as this is an important "meat grinder" scene/place in the film "Stalker"... Thanks for entering the zone with us...
I always try to find real audio and a photo (when possible) of interesting people. More than anything else, it separates the wheat from chaff 99.9% of the time. You were both calm, articulate, well versed, with fluid cohesive thought patterns.
Convo gets an enthusiastic like for its overall interest, but Rurik needs to be taken to the woodshed on this astral projection business. WTF?
Also, his understanding of Buddhism seems to be completely uninformed on the basics, regarding the Four Noble Truths. It seems he has unfortunately viewed Buddhism through the lens of someone with a serious axe to grind, who has tried to fit Buddhism into the tyrannical mode of "Neo-Platonist" iconoclasts "in Alexandria." I take this to mean Hellenistic Jews or proto-Christians, but it's not developed so I don't know for sure. In any event, the radically anti-theistic philosophy of Buddhism is as far from Abrahamic ethics as one could ever hope to get. I think Rurik could benefit greatly from viewing Buddhism through the sympathetic lens of Schopenhauer and Ligotti, instead.
He says "Buddhism banned transcendental techniques." Zero idea what this is a reference to. Then he's like, "You know Pokemon, right?" and I'm like...uh, no. Got totally lost there.
Thank you for engaging with the conversation. I'll leave it to Rurik to further elaborate on his perspective regarding Buddhism. From my understanding, he views Buddhism as a diluted, Platonic-like psy-op / societal control mechanism, possibly obscuring mystical or powerful elements within mantras and hidden sutras, akin to concealed potential, much like Pokemon balls.
Your reference to Thomas Ligotti is insightful. As a fan of his work, I wasn't aware of his connections to Buddhism. Given the dark and nihilistic nature of his stories, his exploration of existence versus non-existence... etc. While I'm not deeply familiar with his specific thoughts on Buddhism I found this this interview conducted with Liggotti with references to Buddhism being a sort of middle path between nihalism and materialism...
Somehow we never brought up Ligotti and Buddhism but thank you for making that connection - if you have any other references let me know thanks again...
"... they're so tainted and poisoned that they can't actually dig themselves out of their own hole." -Rurik
I'm an American, pretty much a classic American fuckup according to prevailing winds. The addiction to military to homelessness pipeline can get the best of anyone.
Rollo's observations about the perpetual toxicity of American culture and how adhering to the prevailing social orthodoxy is pretty much a death sentence for the mind and spirit hit home.
People here are hypnotized beyond their ability to recognize it. Basic and innate curiosity is in very short supply.
Kudos to the themes addressed here. A sense of basic wonder is what keeps me going, gets me out of the hole. Thanks guys.
I'm here as well from Rolo Slavskiy/Rurik Skywalker! Namely, thanks to his efforts in translating the real Russian voices (I'm Little Russia myself, and he seems like one of the very few ones straddling the cultural chasm - is the language barrier so much of an issue? Or is it mental? Or, dare I say, magickal? With the Slavs being in thrall to the red zigguat magicians?).
It's unfortunate he has banned me, apparently for noticing his erroneous prediction of a Kiev victory at Kursh in Jan 2025. He's effectively one of the two blogs I follow (the other being NeoFeudal Review).
There's a Russian YouTuber called Strateg Divannogo Legiona, his conspiracy ultimately stems from an idea similar to "political ponerology" - in effect, power attracts psychopathic types. But his view is somewhat deficient in explaining why Russian psychopaths keep obeying the CIA ones. Rolo's seems to justify it as part of a larger cult, with its own ideology beyond mere sadism - I keep telling people that the Krokus terror attack with a mutilated ear has an eerie connection to both Purim and the oznei haman cookies. If anything, this is his strongest "notice", why the hell would there be random mutilated ears otherwise?
As to the idea by Freelance_Philosopher regarding Rolo's simplistic idea of Buddhism - the mark of any model is simplification which does corrupt the details, but which is necessary to make sense of large-scale events (hell, see my map being critiqued for that). Afaik, Rolo considers hesychasm to be an effectively pagan atavism in Orthodox Christianity, so that could be a readymade avenue of explaining inconsistencies - "pagan residue" of sorts (I do that all the time to fit West Indian slavery into the picture of triumphant Christianity in my vision, too).
And regarding his inherently anarchic stance - I can't really imagine it working. He thinks that masculine values are independence, whereas femininity is about structure and order, but don't men band together and obey the king to enact efficient violence? Even Christianity with its thought control could simply be an efficient weapon that can't be uninvented, and must be used by any culture, just like power plants and aircraft.
Rurik, it seems to me that you have such a low opinion of women because you like the superficial women. In one of your posts, you assigned a number to women based on their looks. I hope I am wrong, and you have overcome that phase. Keep up the good work!
It was a real treat to hear our Lead Stalker being interviewed. Mr. Leafbox, sir, you have a real way of bringing out the best in a guest, if this one example is a testament to your overall acumen with the enterprise.
I've been thinking quite a bit about Rolo's perspective on Americans writ large. I've been one all my life, having spent the vast majority of my 48 years situated in New England, both the central area and now the northern area for the better part of the past 30 years. To say we are a superficial and hollow bunch is a pretty fair assessment. I certainly can't speak for how our people were in epochs past. I'd like to believe there existed a more tightknit patchwork of deep, meaningful, unflagging friendships amongst men prior to the ruinous social upheavals visited upon our nation since the end of WWII. But I just don't know. I wasn't around then. And the television of my youth lied to me, about everything.
I do know that we Americans are not an easy-going people. We're mean. We're vicious and violent and mean. Perhaps it was the generational terror of arriving in such a brutal environment and fighting tooth and nail with the Indians to wrestle dominion of the land from them. As well as the never-ending wars. For centuries we have been at war, with the armies of other nations, with the Indians, with each other. We imported a bunch of Africans to serve as farm equipment and once we came to our senses and did the right thing by freeing them, we immediately lose said senses and make the monumental mistake of not repatriating them to their homeland, where they rightfully belonged. Now we are terrorized by their presence. Certain elements of our misanthropic overlords allowed our most critical institutions, from finance to education to media to judicial to be infiltrated and subverted by the Jews, and we have been terrorized by a non-stop psychological warfare campaign against us for well over 125 years. We've been physically poisoned through and through. via tainted food, water, air and medicines. We are nothing short of totally retarded. The Founding Fathers did indeed set up a breathtakingly egalitarian political system which ought to have ensured a hale and hearty republic for centauries to come. But they were almost to a man all Masons of the highest degree, so it's up for debate whether or not they intended for the entirety of the American citizenry to benefit for said centuries, or if it was nothing more than a monumental set-up for their blue blooded progeny alone to corrupt and pervert the system for their exclusive benefit.
I'm not sure. I never made a lasting friendship, with anyone either male or female. I don't know many who have. Most relationships in America are transactional. It's too bad.
First lets put this "altered states of consciousness" crap to bed. There is consciousness and there is unconsciousness and deep sleep. When you are conscious you are feeling your being, your existence , you know that you are . Consciousness is expressed when we say " I am". When conscious we can conceptualise and cognise and perceive through the senses. The alterd state is not an altered state of consciousness it is the content of consciousness that is altered. What appears and is perceived through the senses is altered . Conceptualising can also be altered. The being is still happening , you still know that you are even when hallucinating.
Secondly about Americans you are right in general but I have had some very real and true friends in America. The problem is that Americans do not get authenticity. Everything in America is fake and false and they don't generally know what is authentic and real . That is where the friendship thing gets weird because of the shallow false personas that mostt Americans have.Most of the time when you are talking about Americans and war and banking, you need to say American Jews.
It was much less that way in the 80s, just 20 years earlier. The speed at which the change occurred has been impressive, but is explained by technology.
Wow. That was interesting. But... full disclosure, I had to pause halfway through. I will read the second half later. I know nothing about Rurik Skywalker (except for what I've read here. But I agree with much of his thoughts on the hidden Masters of War. The Hussein business. (H really was suckered into invading Kuwait. And then there was all the lies about the Iraqis throwing premie babies on the floor of the Kuwaiti hospitals.) I, a Vietnam War draftee, got into a big argument with a co-worker about this. He was my age, but somehow had avoided going to the 'Nam meatgrinder, but he was bawling furiously that we had to throw American soldiers against the Iraqi monsters.
Anyway, I am surprised that I am the only one commenting on here.
The only criticism I have is that a piece this long could be broken into two or even three chapters released over two or three days. Readers may have found the length daunting.
Thanks for this interview.
Thanks for reading - to make things more para-social - may i recommend listening to the interview on a walk or multiple sits... voices carry meaning different than the reading... regarding the "meat grinder" - interesting analogy you bring up as this is an important "meat grinder" scene/place in the film "Stalker"... Thanks for entering the zone with us...
I always try to find real audio and a photo (when possible) of interesting people. More than anything else, it separates the wheat from chaff 99.9% of the time. You were both calm, articulate, well versed, with fluid cohesive thought patterns.
It is very hard to follow these threads on this site as it jumps around on a whim so I think I'm going to have to move on to another platform.
Rurik brought me here (cross-posted)
Sensational interview and discussion - subscribed and shared.
Rurik is still dragging me over the hot coals of Putin Hopium.
Convo gets an enthusiastic like for its overall interest, but Rurik needs to be taken to the woodshed on this astral projection business. WTF?
Also, his understanding of Buddhism seems to be completely uninformed on the basics, regarding the Four Noble Truths. It seems he has unfortunately viewed Buddhism through the lens of someone with a serious axe to grind, who has tried to fit Buddhism into the tyrannical mode of "Neo-Platonist" iconoclasts "in Alexandria." I take this to mean Hellenistic Jews or proto-Christians, but it's not developed so I don't know for sure. In any event, the radically anti-theistic philosophy of Buddhism is as far from Abrahamic ethics as one could ever hope to get. I think Rurik could benefit greatly from viewing Buddhism through the sympathetic lens of Schopenhauer and Ligotti, instead.
He says "Buddhism banned transcendental techniques." Zero idea what this is a reference to. Then he's like, "You know Pokemon, right?" and I'm like...uh, no. Got totally lost there.
Thank you for engaging with the conversation. I'll leave it to Rurik to further elaborate on his perspective regarding Buddhism. From my understanding, he views Buddhism as a diluted, Platonic-like psy-op / societal control mechanism, possibly obscuring mystical or powerful elements within mantras and hidden sutras, akin to concealed potential, much like Pokemon balls.
Your reference to Thomas Ligotti is insightful. As a fan of his work, I wasn't aware of his connections to Buddhism. Given the dark and nihilistic nature of his stories, his exploration of existence versus non-existence... etc. While I'm not deeply familiar with his specific thoughts on Buddhism I found this this interview conducted with Liggotti with references to Buddhism being a sort of middle path between nihalism and materialism...
Interview with Thomas Ligotti
It’s All a Matter of Personal Pathology
by Matt Cardin...
Crazy connection is that I just interviewed Matt Cardin (who edited the interview with Ligotti above).. on Non Duality, Horror, etc a few weeks back @
Somehow we never brought up Ligotti and Buddhism but thank you for making that connection - if you have any other references let me know thanks again...
With no exaggeration, this is the most content-rich response I’ve ever received to a Substack comment! Rabbit Holes and everything! Thanks.
"... they're so tainted and poisoned that they can't actually dig themselves out of their own hole." -Rurik
I'm an American, pretty much a classic American fuckup according to prevailing winds. The addiction to military to homelessness pipeline can get the best of anyone.
Rollo's observations about the perpetual toxicity of American culture and how adhering to the prevailing social orthodoxy is pretty much a death sentence for the mind and spirit hit home.
People here are hypnotized beyond their ability to recognize it. Basic and innate curiosity is in very short supply.
Kudos to the themes addressed here. A sense of basic wonder is what keeps me going, gets me out of the hole. Thanks guys.
I'm here as well from Rolo Slavskiy/Rurik Skywalker! Namely, thanks to his efforts in translating the real Russian voices (I'm Little Russia myself, and he seems like one of the very few ones straddling the cultural chasm - is the language barrier so much of an issue? Or is it mental? Or, dare I say, magickal? With the Slavs being in thrall to the red zigguat magicians?).
It's unfortunate he has banned me, apparently for noticing his erroneous prediction of a Kiev victory at Kursh in Jan 2025. He's effectively one of the two blogs I follow (the other being NeoFeudal Review).
There's a Russian YouTuber called Strateg Divannogo Legiona, his conspiracy ultimately stems from an idea similar to "political ponerology" - in effect, power attracts psychopathic types. But his view is somewhat deficient in explaining why Russian psychopaths keep obeying the CIA ones. Rolo's seems to justify it as part of a larger cult, with its own ideology beyond mere sadism - I keep telling people that the Krokus terror attack with a mutilated ear has an eerie connection to both Purim and the oznei haman cookies. If anything, this is his strongest "notice", why the hell would there be random mutilated ears otherwise?
As to the idea by Freelance_Philosopher regarding Rolo's simplistic idea of Buddhism - the mark of any model is simplification which does corrupt the details, but which is necessary to make sense of large-scale events (hell, see my map being critiqued for that). Afaik, Rolo considers hesychasm to be an effectively pagan atavism in Orthodox Christianity, so that could be a readymade avenue of explaining inconsistencies - "pagan residue" of sorts (I do that all the time to fit West Indian slavery into the picture of triumphant Christianity in my vision, too).
And regarding his inherently anarchic stance - I can't really imagine it working. He thinks that masculine values are independence, whereas femininity is about structure and order, but don't men band together and obey the king to enact efficient violence? Even Christianity with its thought control could simply be an efficient weapon that can't be uninvented, and must be used by any culture, just like power plants and aircraft.
Rurik is much better spoken than in internet rant—form.
Rurik, it seems to me that you have such a low opinion of women because you like the superficial women. In one of your posts, you assigned a number to women based on their looks. I hope I am wrong, and you have overcome that phase. Keep up the good work!
Yes I’ve overcome all that and am attracted to ugly women now
It was a real treat to hear our Lead Stalker being interviewed. Mr. Leafbox, sir, you have a real way of bringing out the best in a guest, if this one example is a testament to your overall acumen with the enterprise.
I've been thinking quite a bit about Rolo's perspective on Americans writ large. I've been one all my life, having spent the vast majority of my 48 years situated in New England, both the central area and now the northern area for the better part of the past 30 years. To say we are a superficial and hollow bunch is a pretty fair assessment. I certainly can't speak for how our people were in epochs past. I'd like to believe there existed a more tightknit patchwork of deep, meaningful, unflagging friendships amongst men prior to the ruinous social upheavals visited upon our nation since the end of WWII. But I just don't know. I wasn't around then. And the television of my youth lied to me, about everything.
I do know that we Americans are not an easy-going people. We're mean. We're vicious and violent and mean. Perhaps it was the generational terror of arriving in such a brutal environment and fighting tooth and nail with the Indians to wrestle dominion of the land from them. As well as the never-ending wars. For centuries we have been at war, with the armies of other nations, with the Indians, with each other. We imported a bunch of Africans to serve as farm equipment and once we came to our senses and did the right thing by freeing them, we immediately lose said senses and make the monumental mistake of not repatriating them to their homeland, where they rightfully belonged. Now we are terrorized by their presence. Certain elements of our misanthropic overlords allowed our most critical institutions, from finance to education to media to judicial to be infiltrated and subverted by the Jews, and we have been terrorized by a non-stop psychological warfare campaign against us for well over 125 years. We've been physically poisoned through and through. via tainted food, water, air and medicines. We are nothing short of totally retarded. The Founding Fathers did indeed set up a breathtakingly egalitarian political system which ought to have ensured a hale and hearty republic for centauries to come. But they were almost to a man all Masons of the highest degree, so it's up for debate whether or not they intended for the entirety of the American citizenry to benefit for said centuries, or if it was nothing more than a monumental set-up for their blue blooded progeny alone to corrupt and pervert the system for their exclusive benefit.
I'm not sure. I never made a lasting friendship, with anyone either male or female. I don't know many who have. Most relationships in America are transactional. It's too bad.
First lets put this "altered states of consciousness" crap to bed. There is consciousness and there is unconsciousness and deep sleep. When you are conscious you are feeling your being, your existence , you know that you are . Consciousness is expressed when we say " I am". When conscious we can conceptualise and cognise and perceive through the senses. The alterd state is not an altered state of consciousness it is the content of consciousness that is altered. What appears and is perceived through the senses is altered . Conceptualising can also be altered. The being is still happening , you still know that you are even when hallucinating.
Secondly about Americans you are right in general but I have had some very real and true friends in America. The problem is that Americans do not get authenticity. Everything in America is fake and false and they don't generally know what is authentic and real . That is where the friendship thing gets weird because of the shallow false personas that mostt Americans have.Most of the time when you are talking about Americans and war and banking, you need to say American Jews.
You can be in a dream state while conscious
It was much less that way in the 80s, just 20 years earlier. The speed at which the change occurred has been impressive, but is explained by technology.